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Bank Holiday Weekend

I love bank holiday weekends. I think they're 3rd on my favourite day(s) of the year, coming closely behind Christmas and my Birthday. Whilst bank holidays are relatively rare, good weather on a bank holiday in the UK is even rarer- but we got lucky!

I spent the bank holiday in Yorkshire with my boyfriend and much to my surprise the sun was shining the whole time. On Saturday we went to Knaresborough which is seriously one of the loveliest towns ever. If you haven't visited and you live in Yorkshire- do! It's so underrated. We've been before but never hired a boat until Saturday. Rowing boats are lined up along the edge and they all have different names- ours was named Mandy. I have countless amounts of photos from this day as we got a bit camera happy (which is probably why I was left with no battery the day after) but i've inserted my favourite few.

On Sunday we went to Bridlington with my boyfriends family. Whilst I whole-heartedly believe down south we have some of the best beaches in the UK, Yorkshire definitely put up a tough fight... not that i'm bias or anything. Unfortunately, I don't have many photos as the camera run out of batteries but I have a few on my Instagram if you want to take a look- (un: lucydoesntcare)

To end the weekend we went and saw The Great Gatsby on monday evening. I don't want to give any spoilers away- but i've read the book a few times- and I thought the film was pretty good! I've yet to find a film that's as good as the book, but this came pretty close, and even my boyfriend liked it- which says a lot!

What did you do this weekend?


  1. Wow these photo's are beautiful.. I thought you were abroad somewhere, like the Italian Lakes or somewhere? Yorkshire!! Amazing :D sounds like you had a fabulous time xxx

    Gemma | MissMakeupMagpie.co.uk

  2. This place looks gorgeous!! & exactly the same.. I took my bf to see the great gatsby the other day & he really enjoyed it too :) xx

  3. All I have to say is beautiful!! These photos are awesome. I am kid of jealous not to be able to see these places



  4. Your photographies are so gorgeous!! We has a long weekend last weekend so this weekend I had to work but I still got to spend some time with my family!! I really want to visit this place!!


  5. Oh wow this looks awesome!

  6. Yorkshire is so pretty in the sunshine, I love having all these pretty sights on my doorstep. You took some gorgeous pics

    Hayley @ Teapartybeauty.blogspot.co.uk

