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How do you feel about flowery headbands?

From the top; £2.50, £2, £2 - All from Primark.

You can tell me the truth, I won't be offended, how do you feel about flowery headbands? The thought of my hair being slicked back off my face with a headband isn't the most appealing image in my head, but i've come to the realisation that whilst on holiday hair probably won't be my highest priority, and these flowery headbands seem to have made a speedy appearance in my shopping basket.

I can't decide whether they're cool and florence-and-the-machine-esque or whether they'll just look a bit silly in my hair. I bought these in the shop and my mum was adamant that I should wear them round my forehead, that's never going to happen. 

Let me know how you feel about these discussion posts as i'm really keen to do more.
Would you wear these headbands, or are they just an item to look at? How would you style them up?

Instagram Roundup #1

I love Instagram. These posts are right up my street and I really enjoy putting these together. Here are a few photos from the past week or so, if you want to see more feel free to take a look at my Instagram - Lucydoesntcare.

From left to right; Mint choc chip ice-cream is my weakness // Love a good cuppa' and a biscuit // Shameless selfie // When I found out that the Eurostar ran through where I live // The sweetest piano at St Pancras Station London // Knaresborough is beautiful // Me on a boat in Knaresborough // Bridlington beach - Yorkshire // My Interrail pass arrived - 58 days!

Feel free to leave your Instagram username in the comments below- I'll check them all out!

Summer Wishlist # 1

Whether it feels like it or not, summer is on our doorsteps in the UK and what better way to celebrate than lusting after some new summer clothes. Yes please!

What item is your favourite?

Bank Holiday Weekend

I love bank holiday weekends. I think they're 3rd on my favourite day(s) of the year, coming closely behind Christmas and my Birthday. Whilst bank holidays are relatively rare, good weather on a bank holiday in the UK is even rarer- but we got lucky!

I spent the bank holiday in Yorkshire with my boyfriend and much to my surprise the sun was shining the whole time. On Saturday we went to Knaresborough which is seriously one of the loveliest towns ever. If you haven't visited and you live in Yorkshire- do! It's so underrated. We've been before but never hired a boat until Saturday. Rowing boats are lined up along the edge and they all have different names- ours was named Mandy. I have countless amounts of photos from this day as we got a bit camera happy (which is probably why I was left with no battery the day after) but i've inserted my favourite few.

On Sunday we went to Bridlington with my boyfriends family. Whilst I whole-heartedly believe down south we have some of the best beaches in the UK, Yorkshire definitely put up a tough fight... not that i'm bias or anything. Unfortunately, I don't have many photos as the camera run out of batteries but I have a few on my Instagram if you want to take a look- (un: lucydoesntcare)

To end the weekend we went and saw The Great Gatsby on monday evening. I don't want to give any spoilers away- but i've read the book a few times- and I thought the film was pretty good! I've yet to find a film that's as good as the book, but this came pretty close, and even my boyfriend liked it- which says a lot!

What did you do this weekend?

Space Girl Review

Despite being on a bit of a spending ban, I went on a post-exams shopping spree last night. I was in one of those happy moods where your bank balance and a nearing holiday doesn't make any difference, and I had the excuse of a review to make me feel better. Rambling over, I went into Lush and bought a few bits and bobs. Instead of doing a haul post, i've decided to individually review a few of the things I bought, and Space Girl (£2.10) was pretty much chucked in my bath tub as soon as I got home.

Space Girl first and foremost smells amazing. It smells so much like my favourite childhood sweet - palma violets which is probably why I gravitated towards it in the shop. Lush have claimed the main ingredient to be Grapefruit oil, but I other ingredients include Almond Oil. This bath bomb contains popping candy and I found it actually took a while to fizzle out completely, which I liked.

As you can see in the photos, the bath water turns a lovely lilac colour. Whilst for the most part I can only sing praises to this product, I did find that the water made my skin feel squeaky clean as opposed to other bath bombs which tend to moisturise the skin. But this is definitely personal preference and I wouldn't let this put you off giving it a smell next time you're in Lush.

Have you tried Space Girl? What's your favourite Lush bath bomb?